Only three days left to nominate!!
AND more nominees have been posted!
Congrats to those nominated so far:
NikitaJuice, PMU, goldengirl2707, Don'tcallmeLeelee, Caiteexx, IllicitWriter,
KS Angel, SPRSPR's Digital Art, ysar, Mist, Mmsimpy09,
Morrigan, Lady of Spain, Amethyst Rayne, jacobsgirl007, EnjoyYourJacob, Maddie-the-Muse,
evieeden, Peyton Marie James, light4dawn, ChristagBanners, xenasoul, Pavarti,
Mina, reallyhatesbananas, Cat (Rhodes11), kaput, smirks_works, RSOrigs,
salamanderitzy, DjuliaSilk, lakeblackwater92, kraftychik, kavitha, aryundomiel,
TomsGG, kleinmeli
And there's even more to post - so don't wait!
Nominations close on July 6th - Don't miss your chance to thank your friendly neighborhood wolf girl artist!!
You can see the list --> HERE
And find the Nomination tool --> HERE